TAMBA provides information and support networks for families of twins, triplets and more. On successful completion, candidates will receive a certificate valid for three years. Smacking or any other kind of punishment that may have an adverse effect on a childs well-being must be strictly forbidden. In addition, they may need this support to continue afterwards, and their needs should be reassessed after the enquiry. And it was unclear whether the data related specifically to safeguarding. The committee agreed that it is important to reiterate the responsibilities of local authorities, clinical commissioning groups and other public sector commissioners, because they can use contract monitoring and other statutory monitoring processes to ensure that care homes are meeting their safeguarding responsibilities. A "Complete Childcare Package" is also available combining all seven early years training resources. There was a good amount of qualitative evidence on the barriers and facilitators to identifying abuse and neglect in care homes. A wide range of people are involved in enquiries into organisational abuse and neglect. Supporting the early development of children with Down syndrome (birth to 5 years): one day covering the communicative, social and motor development of young people with Down syndrome. These recommendations should lead to greater consistency and higher standards, by ensuring that everyone affected by the safeguarding enquiry is kept informed. The evidence suggested that in some care homes, training only covers a basic understanding of adult protection policies and procedures, which staff may not then know how to apply in their daily work. Speech, language and literacy development for children with Down syndrome (2 to 11 years): focuses on the specific speech and language needs of children with Down syndrome and how to meet them, including the use of the See and Learn Language and Reading programme. Instead, the committee used existing non-NICE UK health and social care guidance on recognising and reporting abuse and neglect in care homes. Managers may need to dedicate time specifically to collating data and sharing findings with staff. This research did not specifically evaluate the impact that care home culture can have on staff willingness to report safeguarding concerns. This may have resource implications for care homes, who will be responsible for ensuring that support is available in the short and long term and that it is tailored to each person's needs. The Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements are designed to help providers create high quality settings that are welcoming, safe and stimulating, and where children are able to enjoy learning and grow in confidence. Recent courses include safeguarding, food safety and baby massage.FORBES TRAINING, FOUNDATION FOR THE STUDY OF INFANT DEATHS, The Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths promotes information on how to reduce the risk of cot death and supports bereaved families. Some, such as being denied freedom of movement, are also enshrined in law (for example the Human Rights Act, Article 5: right to liberty and security). The aim of these recommendations is to help people better understand when a safeguarding referral should be made and when a referral should not be made. The evidence on training only included short-term measurements of effectiveness. Disability awareness and inclusion in childcare settings: two half-day workshops which cover a range of issues including an inclusive ethos and attitude, communications and partnerships, listening to disabled children and inclusion and playwork principles. Commissioners may need to do more to promote good communication and working relationships with care homes, but this could be achieved without additional resources. There were also concerns regarding the short-term follow-up periods used by the studies. Staff involved in food preparation must hold the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) Level 2 Award in Food Safety to meet the requirements of the Food Safety Act and the Food Safety Regulations. EYFS and safeguarding: practitioners can choose from a variety of interactive seminars including keeping children safe from harm, special educational needs and disability awareness, running a successful nursery business and consulting with children.Quality improvement programmes: a range of 15 programmes helping nurseries to develop practices against a set of quality standards through online training. Although there were concerns about this evidence (mainly regarding the adequacy and relevance of the data), the committee also drew on their own expertise to make the recommendations. Reflecting on these observations means practitioners can shape learning experiences for individual children. Qualitative evidence indicated that multi-agency working and learning can help to improve safeguarding practice. It is only the independent advocate who acts according to instruction from the person. There were also concerns regarding the adequacy of data, as most of the themes in the evidence were based on limited data. Its training arm is NHS Connect, which runs workshops around the country. TAMBA also offers information for professionals. Additionally, early years providers must "have regard" to other provisions in these sections. Instead, the committee used existing non-NICE UK health and social care guidance on recognising and reporting abuse and neglect in care homes. The main concern was relevance, as it was not always clear whether the data reported came from research conducted in a care home setting. Subscribing with flick offers access to all flick courses, plus downloadable guides and resources in the flick library. Organisations may need to do more to involve people at risk and their independent advocates in safeguarding enquiries. The strength of the evidence was limited, but the committee made recommendations in areas where the evidence aligned with their own experience and expertise. the relevance of the evidence, as the studies presented findings from domiciliary settings and it was not always clear when findings related specifically to the care home context. There was some limited economic evidence on training. There was no research evidence identified on safeguarding leads. Abuse and neglect are more likely to happen when staff are poorly trained, poorly supervised, unsupported by management, and when the care home has a culture that does not promote openness and good communication. The EYFS also includes the new paediatric first aid (PFA) training requirement that all newly qualified entrants to the early years workforce with a Level 2 or 3 qualification must also have either a full or emergency PFA certificate within 3 months of starting work. Coeliac UK provides help to coeliacs and those with dermatitis herpetiformis (an itchy skin rash caused by gluten sensitivity). Infection control: providing an understanding of effective infection control practice within a setting. Managers will need to give staff time for these discussions to take place, and will need time themselves to promote the reflective and transparent approach to safeguarding. However, increased costs will be justified given the improvements in safeguarding practice that are likely to occur. Cancer Research UK is the largest volunteer-supported cancer research organisation in the world. The difference between autism and Asperger's syndrome is clarified, looking at case studies. MA Education is part of the Mark Allen Group. AllergyWise: online anaphylaxis training for school nurses and healthcare professionals responsible for training teachers and staff in schools and early years settings. Although evidence on implementing learning in care homes was available, this did not focus specifically on using findings from past safeguarding referrals and enquiries in the care home. Award in food safety: for all food handlers. There were a number of issues that limited how the committee could use the findings. Acting early may help to reduce the number of section 42 enquiries involving the care home. The safeguarding and welfare requirements include: ensuring that you have a safe space for children; providing a curriculum which promotes children's health, safety and happiness; training staff about how to keep . Some of the included research was not conducted in care home settings, so there were concerns about how relevant it was. Staff may not benefit from training if managers are unable or unwilling to allow staff to implement what they have learned within the care home and share their experience with other members of staff. Evidence on training suggested that improvements in safeguarding practice were not always maintained in the longer-term, and that there should be opportunities for further and more advanced learning. They should also encourage staff to report safeguarding problems in the future, as it would be clear to them that everyone would receive support regardless of their involvement. MENINGITIS TRUSTThe Meningitis Trust is the oldest meningitis charity in the world and provides a range of professional services and community support. Because of the multiple organisations involved and the complexity of the process, communication is important, so the committee made recommendations to ensure that everyone involved is kept informed about the process. However, the committee found the guidance to be highly relevant as a source of evidence to support their work, and used it to inform the recommendations. The guidance highlighted the challenges associated with whistleblowing and the impact whistleblowing can have on care homes, staff and volunteers. Promotion of good health for the children in childcare settings is vital. The committee felt it was important to be clear that if you suspect abuse and neglect you must tell someone in a responsible and accountable position about this. The committee also reviewed existing health and social care guidance. The recommendations should help reduce these risks. There may be a cost for care homes who choose to provide external whistleblowing services, which is why the committee only ask care homes to consider using this service. They made recommendations on how these systems should be used to record and share information. This is in line with standards that already exist, such as Adult Safeguarding: Roles and competencies for Health Care Staff 2018, but there is still inconsistent practice in this area. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined as protecting children from maltreatment, preventing impairment of children's health or development, ensuring that children grow-up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care and taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes. In addition, they linked the recommendations to Care Act statutory requirements for local authorities. Safeguarding Adults Boards should not need additional resources, but some will need to change the way they work. The committee had low confidence in the qualitative evidence about this issue. The charity has support groups for one-parent families, parents of triplets or more, special needs families, those who have lost one or more of a multiple-birth set, and those who are expecting or have twins, triplets or more as a result of fertility treatment. It meets the needs of Sure Start and Early Years and is appropriate for members of NCMA and PLA as well as anyone who is caring for children.BRITISH STAMMERING ASSOCIATION, BSA aims to help eliminate stammering in children by improving information for practitioners.BSA National Conference 2011 9-11 September, Durham: a programme of workshops and presentations, and a great chance to meet other people who stammer. The Early Years Foundation Stage requires that settings must have written copies of certain policies and procedures. Some care home providers already fund access to employee assistance programmes, so would not significantly need to change practice. For the quantitative data, this was mostly because of the use of non-randomised trials and imprecision in effect estimates. Courses include: The Trust gives advice on drawing up a co-ordinated and comprehensive burn and scald prevention programme for schools and other child carers, and aims to improve the long-term rehabilitation of child burn victims. The course looks at physical, sensory, cognitive and emotional/behavioural difficulties, and specific areas such as dyslexia. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS (NASEN)NASEN promotes the education, training, advancement and development of all people with special educational needs. There may be an increase in the number of requests for training. Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved. This was also reflected in the qualitative evidence, which indicated that practitioners recognised the value of safeguarding training. There is variation in how much care home managers do to encourage other staff to learn more about safeguarding. Care homes should already have a safeguarding policy and procedure, and the recommendations reflect statutory requirements. Tutors offer a range of professional workshops. Most of the indicators are based on a synthesis of findings from the review of health and social care guidance documents, and others were agreed by the committee based on their experience. CLEFT LIP AND PALATE ASSOCIATION (CLAPA)CLAPA provides support for parents, and for people with the condition and their families. However, this evidence also suggested that managers may be unwilling to implement learning from training programmes or make changes to care home procedures, which may negate any benefits associated with training. She also proposed that the EYFS sets out clearly the high-level content of the child protection training that lead safeguarding practitioners should be required to attend. The committee used their experience and expertise to make the recommendation on reporting suspected abuse and neglect, and who to contact if the problems are with the management of the care home. keeping the person at risk involved in the safeguarding process. The committee discussed whether it is possible to specify how soon new staff should have mandatory safeguarding training. The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (DfE 2021) became effective from 1 September 2021. The quantitative evidence had issues with bias (as most studies were not randomised) and imprecision in effect estimates. Therefore, the committee made recommendations focusing on these issues. Eight hours of tuition deal with food hygiene, bacteriology, personal hygiene, equipment and pest control, cleaning and disinfecting and legislation. MA Education 2023. Some staff may also need more support to benefit from training. Instead, the committee reviewed existing non-NICE UK sector guidance on recognising and reporting abuse and neglect in care homes. It also promotes child safety awareness during Child Safety Week. Enable is the largest membership organisation in Scotland for people with learning disabilities and for family carers. The EYFS lays down the legal requirements that early years providers must meet, including: The learning and development requirements cover three prime areas, which are considered particularly important for stimulating childrens interest in learning, and in building relationships: The three prime areas are strengthened by four specific areas of learning: literacy, mathematics,understanding of the world, and expressive arts and design. Safeguarding Adults Boards should not need additional resources, but some will need to change the way they work. There were uncertainties around the methods used to develop much of this guidance. Finding more information and committee details, Care home safeguarding policy and procedure, Care home whistleblowing policy and procedure, Care home and care home provider roles and responsibilities, Local authorities, clinical commissioning groups, and other commissioners, Multi-agency working and shared learning with other organisations, Indicators of individual abuse and neglect and immediate actions to take if you consider abuse or neglect, Confidentiality, and discussing and reporting suspected abuse and neglect, Working with and supporting the resident at risk during a safeguarding enquiry, Supporting care home staff who are subject to a safeguarding enquiry, How local authorities should support care homes during an enquiry, Indicators of organisational abuse and neglect, How care homes should learn from safeguarding concerns, referrals and enquiries, section 14.225 of the Care and support statutory guidance 2020, Adult Safeguarding: Roles and competencies for Health Care Staff 2018, CQC: Regulation 13 - Safeguarding service users from abuse and improper treatment, CQC: Safeguarding Adults - Roles and responsibilities in health and care services, research recommendation to look at the effectiveness, cost effectiveness and acceptability of e-learning safeguarding training, evidence review C for details of the guidance, research recommendation on self-neglect in care homes, research recommendation was needed about the views of care home residents in relation to their experiences of safeguarding enquiries, research recommendation on the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of the different approaches to investigating safeguarding concerns, evidence review C for details of this guidance, research recommendation to identify how the findings from these reviews affect practice in care homes. Local authorities, clinical commissioning groups and other commissioners should already be monitoring safeguarding in care homes as part of contract management, so this should not represent a significant change in practice. Recommendations on financial and material abuse are needed because, while staff are often experienced at recognising other types of abuse, they may find it more difficult to recognise certain types of financial and material abuse. It is important that this is used routinely to help improve safeguarding practices. Good whistleblowing policies are important and help support a culture in which staff feel able to report concerns. Although the committee were able to draw on their own knowledge and experience, they felt that the gap in the evidence indicated that a research recommendation was needed about the views of care home residents in relation to their experiences of safeguarding enquiries. This has implications for: the safety and wellbeing of residents, because abuse or neglect may go unreported. The recommendations are based on a review of existing guidance, so staff should be familiar with the indicators referred to in this guideline. Publications, including The Gluten Free Food and Drink Directory, can be bought direct from Coeliac UK. If they are not already doing so, they will need to promote a positive culture and encourage greater collaboration between their members and partner organisations, especially care homes. Care homes do not currently nominate people to provide support to staff accused of abuse or neglect. Registered as an educational charity with charity number 1096526 the barriers and facilitators to embedding learning from Safeguarding Adults Reviews in care homes. BVS TRAININGRange of seven childcare health and safety training toolkits including DVD, CD-Roms and lesson plans. Under the EYFS, it is a requirement to review childrens progress between the ages of two and three. This integrated review involves early years practitioners, health visitors and parents sharing their knowledge and understanding of the child to provide an overall picture of thechilds developmentand take joint decisions on any specific support necessary. CHILD ACCIDENT PREVENTION TRUSTAn organisation that works with 25,000 frontline staff who work with children, young people, and their families, as well as with senior practitioners and policymakers to encourage best practice around child injury prevention through partnership and networking events, bespoke training packages, specialist master classes on child injury prevention, fact sheets, good practice guides and child safety resources for professionals. It affects the safety, health and wellbeing of residents, because their care may not meet their needs. In addition, some staff posts may need to be backfilled while training takes place. ALCOHOL CONCERNWorking with difficult to engage young people experiencing alcohol-related harm: supporting vulnerable young people at risk of alcohol-related harm.ALLERGY UKProvide factsheets and organise awareness weeks.ANAPHYLAXIS CAMPAIGNAllergyWise for families, carers and individuals: online resource with advice on how to manage a serious allergic reaction, including a step-by-step guide on what to do in an emergency, information on allergen exposure, food labelling and how to reduce the risk of cross-contamination, and long-term management and how to develop individual management plans. The main concerns were around bias (as most studies were not randomised) and imprecision in effect estimates. Comments. In addition, there were concerns about methods used in some of the studies, for example in relation to data analysis processes and how the researchers took account of ethical issues. For care homes where this is not the case, care home managers and care home providers will need to make major changes in leadership style. %%EOF INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON. When the existing guidance did not cover all the areas the committee thought were important they also used their own expertise and experience to make the recommendations. The committee agreed that this should be encouraged at all levels, to help create a care home culture where safeguarding is central and transparency is established. It also affects the safety, health and wellbeing of other residents, staff and visitors, and can lead to false allegations of abuse and neglect against staff and care homes. Fire safety: three-hour course to help practitioners be aware of the causes of fire and what to do in the event of fire. Although the practitioner might be acting in the best interest of the person, they may be operating within the constraints of their role. ROYAL SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF ACCIDENTS (RoSPA). Courses include: Keyhole Training: this 12 hour course (divided into five sessions) is aimed at anyone working with pre-school children with an ASD in an Early Years setting group. 2019-03-18 Safeguarding is defined as using appropriate measures to protect individuals, especially children and young people, from harm such as abuse and neglect. These sections briefly explain why the committee made the recommendations and how they might affect practice. Staff can find themselves supporting families and children with special needs with which they are unfamiliar. The evidence also included data on how to reduce the risk or incidence of abuse and neglect by learning from past safeguarding issues in the care home. VAT Registration Number: GB 830 472 251, Open source web development - pedalo limited, Involving parents in their childrens learning, Business Blocks: essential resources for your early years business, Charitable settings - legislation and governance. However, it will bring care homes in line with best practice, particularly in terms of supervision and continuing professional development.