PubMed Total flows or impacts associated with a given amount of final demand are calculated using two perspectives that produce the same overall flow or impact totals but associate the totals with different sectors. 54, 30913102, (2020). (U.S. Census Bureau, 2022). CalRecycle - Californias Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery, CBECS - Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey, CCDD Commercial Construction & Demolition Debris, CRHW - Commercial Resources Conservation and Recovery Act-Defined Hazardous Waste, EEIO - Environmentally-Extended Input-Output, HRSP - Human Health - Respiratory Effects, IWMS - Irrigation and Water Management Survey, MECS - Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey, NAICS - North American Industry Classification System, RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, RCRAInfo - Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information system, USEEIO United States Environmentally-Extended Input-Output Model, USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency. 4. Wolsky, A. M. Disaggregating Input-Output Models. Report No. Supply Chain Greenhouse Gas Emission Factors for US Industries and Commodities. Livestock water withdrawals are allocated proportionally using water use by animal type, calculated from the USDA animal inventory and national median water intake rates by animal type48,50. 18. led software development for useeior, developed the crosswalk methodology and wrote the associated section of the manuscript, curated all economic input data, performed model validation, and visualized the results. Land use now differentiates urban and rural residential housing land by incorporating values from the Major Uses of Land report36. These factors were prepared using USEEIO models, which are a life cycle models of goods and services in the US economy. 28, 99118, (2014). The most common sources listed in the table are: To apply the EF Hub scope 1 and 2 factors, the organization can first define the GHG generating activity for each relevant source category, then apply the appropriate factors for stationary combustion, mobile combustion, fugitive emissions, electricity, heat, or steam. 36 are used to create the satellite matrix of environmental flow coefficients, B, in a physical unit per dollar output for a commodity in the model that can be used with the economic data for industries from another year. Natural gas also saw a larger decrease relative to other sectors. 25 is substituted for L and yd Eq. Publishers note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Ingwersen, W., Li, M., Young, B., Vendries, J. US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Washington, USA, General Dynamics Information Technology, Inc, Falls Church, VA, 22042, USA, Eastern Research Group, Lexington, MA, 02421, USA, You can also search for this author in Sustainable Materials Management Prioritization Tools Official websites use .gov Fresh vegetables, melons, and potatoes climbed from 10th to 6th position. zenodo (2021). Handbook of methods. Only two categories use a specific method (e.g., supplier-specific method, fuel-based method) in year one and seven in year five. Stat. The environmental and employment datasets were created with flowsa v1.0.126 as flow-by-sector data products. In v1.2, national land use by animal type were calculated by importing and summing state level data for land in farms from USDA CoA. In addition, because scope 3 sources may represent most of an organizations GHG emissions, they often offer emissions reduction opportunities. Changes in GHG intensity were less than 0.5kg CO2e/$ for >95% of sectors. Name of source. Changes in animal-related land impact intensity are due to modifying the allocation method for grazing land. In Fig. Zhuang, X. conceptualized USEEIO v2.0, led the methodological development for model building and validation, contributed to useeior and flowsa software, supervised the team, administered the project, and led writing the manuscript. As described in the Splitting Impacts section, in v2.0, impacts can be split between those originating in the US vs. the rest of the world. There are few notable changes in intensity of CRHW in v2.0. USEEIO v2.0, or referred to solely as v2.0, is the latest edition of the US Environmentally-Extended Input-Output (USEEIO) model for assessing a full suite of potential life cycle impacts of US. Birney, C., Conner, M., Specht, J. Aquaculture and Thermoelectric withdrawals are assigned to the 4-digit NAICS codes 1125 and 2211, respectively. Derivation of these demand vectors is described in depth in the Final Demand section, since these have not been previously described in USEEIO documentation. This disproportionate share of the original value of the waste remediation industry, combined with the industry allocations already used for the Use table columns, can result in an imbalance in the allocation totals for the disaggregated waste industries in the Use and Make tables. Land for national parks is directly assigned to NAICS code 712190, where previously, in both the original USEEIO land satellite table and in Zengs work, national parks were included in the unaccounted land category. The environmental data inputs for an EEIO model are national totals of flows (physical movements of specific resources, emissions or employment) by industries. In v2.0, direct impacts decreased between 3050% for crops. To achieve more granular results for 6-digit NAICS, Water_national_2015_m1 uses acreage data for 64 crops from the USDA Census of Agriculture (CoA) data48. Official websites use .gov C.B. The validation results show that the model passes the check shown in Eq. Crop irrigation water withdrawal is initially calculated by determining water withdrawal for individual crops. Accordingly, the allocation factor to the disaggregated Solid waste collection rows is approximately 44% (21/48) of the total Waste management and remediation services commodity consumption for all USEEIO industries mapped to the Business firms and farms customer class. Bigelow, D. & Borchers, A. To do so, the following approach was taken: When the underlying data for specific flows is available at the six digit NAICS level, the flow is mapped to the corresponding disaggregated sector codes as indicated in Table6. Estimates for scope 3 categories can vary in accuracy depending on the available data and the organizations quantification goal. Article 95% for Fresh soybeans, canola, flaxseeds, and other oilseeds and Fresh wheat, corn, rice, and other grains). The name changes are made because BEA uses the same names for commodities as those used for the respective industries (industries and commodities share the same codes), which are derived from the NAICS industry names, and the assignment of names better fit to describe a commodity rather than an industry adds clarity to commodity representation in the model. The GHG Emission Factors Hub provides factors for several scope 3 categories and indicates the calculation methods with which the factors align. To solve the first problem, BEA-NAICS correspondence for these sectors is approximated after careful inspection and comparison of their definitions in BEA and NAICS systems. Users can find a coefficient (per USD) in producers price in 2012 USD by finding the cell at the intersection of the row with the flow (M matrix) or indicator (N matrix) of interest along with the column with the commodity best representing the purchase. MerckCorporate Responsibility Report Read more in their carbon methodology, available on their carbon footprint site. The matrix M is a flow x sector matrix and contains in each row i the direct plus indirect flows per 1 USD output of the sector in column j. The A matrix with just domestic direct requirements, Ad, can be created using a similar derivation used for A but using the domestic form of the Use matrix. USEEIO. The satellite tables contain the resource use and environmental releases mapped to the original Waste Services and Remediation Services sector. Note:Emission factors are per unit of heat content using higher heating values (HHV). Many organizations quantify greenhouse emissions in their value chain. The commodity is allocated proportionate to the allocation percentages used for the 562111, 562212, 562213, and 562920 sectors in the Use table row (commodity) totals. 23 is used for y. The Recycling Economic Information Report This EPA report describes supply chain GHG emission factors prepared with versions of the USEEIO, which are life cycle models of all categories of goods and services and industries in the US economy. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD) (2021). U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD) (2021). The USEEIO Modeling Framework for USEEIO v2.09 provides an overview of the source code along with links to useeior and supporting software packages. Overview of GHG Protocol scopes and emissions across the value chain. The decrease is more notable in electricity and transportation sectors. In Eq. This can be represented using Eq. The general equation for emissions estimation is: E = A x EF x (1-ER/100) where: E = emissions; A = activity rate; v1.2 added new satellite tables for commercial waste7,8. A new water withdrawal sector attribution model was developed, referred to as Water_national_2015_m1. Young, B., Li, M. & Ingwersen, W. Direct impact coefficients (D matrix) of USEEIOv1.2 and v2.0.1-411. The commands for building v2.0 with useeior v1.0.0 along with the results of the validation procedure are shown in a model building and validation document65. Some changes in HCAN and NCAN result from the inclusion of characterization factors from TRACI 2.1 for metals, which were not included for v1.2. This article references the work completed to create the Pathzero US EEIO emissions multipliers used in the Pathzero platform. JavaScript appears to be disabled on this computer. Then, the imports, yi, are subtracted from the final demand in the original Use table, to get domestic final demand, yd, as in Eq. US Territories and Tribal Lands are not included. Zeng, L. & Ramaswami, A. The MLU land use categories are further allocated to 6-digit NAICS, modeled on Zeng and Ramaswamis methodology37. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2023), Scientific Data (Sci Data) Many organizations quantify greenhouse emissions in their value chain. Household emissions or other final use emissions are not included in B. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD) (2021). For example, releases of nitrogen and phosphorous are sourced from the Nitrogen and Phosphorus Release from Agriculture satellite table (NPAG) specifically for agricultural sectors, while data for all other sectors are sourced from the Discharge Monitoring Report via the Point source releases to water satellite table (WATREL). 14). USEEIO v2.0 was built in useeior v1.0.061. In order to perform this calculation, the purchase has to be associated with a corresponding commodity in USEEIO. BEA detail) through a schema mapping. 25. Overview Emissions Factors FAQ Data sets Emissions factors 2 files Emissions factors File Updated Download IEA Emissions Factors 2021 15/09/2021 XLS IEA Emissions Factors 2021 (light version) 15/09/2021 XLSB Schedule In the original analysis, BLM hard rock leases and EIA MECS relied on BEA employee compensation for granular allocation. Water withdrawal by industry was allocated to NAICS using BLS QCEW employment data. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD) (2017). Briefly stated, monetary input-output (IO) tables give insight into the value of economic transactions between different sectors in an economy, including output for exports, capital formation and final government and private consumption. 16, 157167, (2004). Estimated use of water in the United States in 1995. Direct releases from this industry remain fairly consistent from the prior model. 35, is a vector of the column sums of the given H (see Eqs. In v2.0, water for mining sectors is first attributed to 6-digit NAICS using employment data before mapped to BEA industry codes. National totals of flows (physical movements of specific resources, emissions or employment) by industries are used as the sources of environmental and employment data. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD) (2021). Processing of Criteria and Hazardous Air Emissions was supported by the office of Fossil Energy (FE) for the United States Department of Energy (DOE), National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) under NETL Contract Number DE-FE0025912. There are five industries that produce the 562000 commodity. The v2 industry output and commodity output totals for each commodity and industry in the model were both found to be within 1% of the original totals. The additional data records are national flow totals by sectors that serve as data inputs in model building. Commercial buildings energy consumption survey 2012. (U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2016). However, revisions to mappings between SCC codes and sectors, and updates in data collection lead to some notable differences in sector emissions including: Increase in emissions for construction sectors. The Sector Crosswalk can be used to identify a NAICS code associated with a USEEIO code, and tools like the Census NAICS code search75 can be used to identify NAICS codes associated with the purchase. The right side of Eq. The waste sector disaggregation procedure required the definition of an additional set of configuration files that provide instructions for this disaggregation procedure. 3, B is in flow x commodity form after transforming BI into this form with the market shares matrix transformation. led on the disaggregation methodology and associated software development in useeior, and wrote the associated section in the manuscript. Two matrices are provided that enable price adjustments in the model coefficient matrices (B, D, M, or N). 1b) that draws on the same calculation result, we can see that impacts with high domestic proportions to impact, like Greenhouse Gases, Eutrophication, Commercial Construction and Demolition Debris are dominated by sectors such as utilities (e.g. 18, but use the N matrix in place of M, as shown in Eq. U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (2020). Water_national_2015_m1 was created primarily using water withdrawal data accessed from the USGS National Water Information System Web Interface45. Also, change in inventories, y, is positive for commodities produced but not sold, and negative for commodities consumed from a previous years production. The v1.2 model data used here for comparison were acquired from the USEEIO-API. How to use EEIO model within Sustainability Manager: The quantity equals the cost, and the company spend code is used as reference data. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the articles Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. USEEIO v2.0, or referred to solely as v2.0, is the latest edition of the US Environmentally-Extended Input-Output (USEEIO) model for assessing a full suite of potential life cycle impacts of US goods and services. Econ. This research was funded by the USEPAs Sustainable and Healthy Communities Research Program. flowsa performs extraction, transforming and loading (ETL) processes for bring in original data sources, as well as the modeling steps to create a standard flow-by-sector output, which can be retrieved using the getFlowBySector function and passing the name of the flow-by-sector of interest. How are emission factors developed? U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (2019). Emissions of pesticides from agricultural activities are excluded from this dataset as they are captured in the pesticides table. developed the methodology and software programming in flowsa for the air, water and soil releases, integrated environmental data and indicators in useeior, and wrote the associated sections of the manuscript. Some scope 3 categories may be relevant, but initially lack readily available data to use in estimating emissions. When there is additional data available for specific flows which are not adequately reflected at the 6-digit NAICS to USEEIO mapping (as per Table6), a manual distribution of that data is specified as an input to the disaggregation algorithm. Depicts a calculation for estimating GHG emissions applying the emission factor of a power plant that produces a quantity of electricity (identified by the activity data e.g., a utility invoice) that is consumed by an end-user (not pictured in the graphic). For v2.0, national totals by sector are modeled by NAICS 6-digit codes. The production vector adds to the consumption vector the net trade balance as well as inventory/stock changes. 32 are the same as the Value Added row values in the model N matrix. ADS The margins present for Waste and Remediation were allocated using the total Use table commodity output. Report No. 6, 3392, (2021). For MRNL, the only notable changes in the use intensity are the decrease in Dimensional stone and increase in Sand, gravel, clay This can be explained by an error in allocation of the Sand/gravel flows to Dimensional stone rather than to Sand, gravel, clayin v1.2 and prior versions. The original environmental and employment data were all produced by from flowsa v1.0.126, whereas environmental datasets originally created for v1 USEEIO models5,7 were mapped and reformatted. The full names of the indicators in the columns are given in Table3. Ingwersen, W. AND M. Li. The indicator characterization factors for all elementary flows were built in the LCIA Formatter v1.0.263 as LCIA data products. This can be performed by subtracting the import matrix, Um from the Use matrix to estimate a domestic Use table, Ud, as in Eq. Report No. The practical guidance below provides further suggestions on calculating scope 3 emissions. EPA/600/R-20/001). See the Scope 3 Emission Factors section below for more details. Resour. EPA Report: Supply Chain Greenhouse Gas Emission Factors for U.S. Industries and Commodities A key part of this commitment is measuring and reporting the climate-warming emissions that we produce according to the . Meyer, D. E., Li, M. & Ingwersen, W. W. Analyzing economy-scale solid waste generation using the United States environmentally-extended input-output model. In order to split impacts between US and Rest of World (RoW), the requirements from production need to be split between domestic inputs and foreign inputs. Then one can continue to derive the equivalent of L for domestic use, Ld from Ad, using Eq. Report out, Q&A and closing. Irrigation Golf Courses water withdrawals are assigned to NAICS 713910. Library of emission factors and other parameters with background documentation or technical references. The approach used to disaggregate this sector provides 6-digit NAICS granularity, which is the most detailed NAICS designation given in the official classification. Information is ordered by the respective Nomenclature For Reporting (NFR) source category code. Read more in their annualcarbon disclosurereport. The final factors are available in the Supply Chain Emission Factors for US Industries and Commodities dataset. The large amount of waste flows shipped to and from the Hazardous waste treatment and disposal sector makes this sector dominate the allocation of the use table intersection. Google Scholar. Industrial water withdrawals in v1.1 were calculated by scaling Canadian water withdrawals for manufacturing by US GDP. This dataset tracks the monetary receipts by the different waste management subsectors that broadly correspond to the disaggregated sectors being introduced to the v2.0 model. The 562000 commodity represents over 97% of the industrys total output. Scope 3 emissions include all sources not within an organizations scope 1 and 2 boundary. You can choose whether functional and advertising cookies apply. Amazon used USEEIO as a source for life cycle CO2e factors in their corporate carbon footprint calculation for estimating part of their carbon footprint related to purchased goods and services and their facilities. 2 shows that domestic impacts are indeed a proportion of total impacts, with proportions varying by indicator, due to the degree of requirements being met by processes driving the respective impacts. However, Fig. New for v2.0 is the use of a standard flow list for representing elementary flows, or raw materials from or returning to the technosphere. Environmentally extended input-output analysis (EEIOA) is used in environmental accounting as a tool which reflects production and consumption structures within one or several economies. Introduction [ edit] A ^ symbol over a variable represents the diagonalization of a vector as a matrix. Planting, M. & Guo, J. & Birney, C. USEEIO v2.0.1-411 Build and Validation Script. Allocation for this sector is described in the Make table intersection disaggregation section. Perspect. General Motors worked with Climate Earth consultants to useUSEEIO to calculate their Scope 3 GHG emissions associated with the purchased goods and services in their supply chain. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information System (RCRAInfo) database contains information on the flows of hazardous waste22, and is mainly used in the disaggregation of the Use table intersection. Please click here to see any active alerts. The result is available in the National Point Source Releases to Water By Industry 2017 v1.1 dataset34. PubMedGoogle Scholar. - Environmentally-extended input-output (EEIO) database can be used estimating carbon emissions based on the amount of money spent. The model indicators quantitatively relate the environmental and economic flow data to an aggregate impact through the use of characterization factors. This modeling activity may also be referred to as flow sector attribution modeling. The GHG Protocol defines 15 categories of scope 3 emissions, though not every category will be relevant to all organizations (see Figure 1). To calculate emissions, estimate the lifetime electricity consumption (in kWh) for all products sold in the reporting year. The Use table columns represent the inputs that the IO industries need to produce their output. Agricultural chemical use survey. The relationship table presents a hierarchy of the BEA codes at three levels of detail: sector (21 sector groups), summary (71 sector groups), and detail (405 sector groups), as well as how each level relates to the NAICS code structure. They have been updated for 201756. For the disaggregated waste management sectors, this represents the materials and services that these industries consume in the process of collecting, managing, and remediating wastes. Definition. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD) (2021). 22. ADS Increase in particulate matter emissions for livestock production. Understanding the consumption-based accounting (CBA), production-based accounting (PBA), and emissions embodied in trade is an important prerequisite for designing climate mitigation policies. Chemical releases reported by facilities in these datasets include toxic releases, metal compounds, nutrients, and organic pollutants. A comprehensive BEA-to-NAICS sector mapping table is built with these complementary pieces to the main correspondence. The state data are summed to calculate national land use by animal type for pasture and grazed land. Increase in emissions for landscaping services. Ec is obtained from Ei by multiplying its transpose by the commodity mix matrix, Cm, and transposing the result. Input-Output Accounts Data. These footprints can be calculated by performing a model calculation as in Eqs. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. If material is not included in the articles Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. This general decrease in v2.0 factors reflects the steady national decrease in SO2 emissions from 2011 to 201769. Licensing. Equation24 is given below for the commodity form of the model. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD) (2021). As v1.2 represents the most recently previously peer-reviewed and published USEEIO model, but was built with a different set of data inputs and a different software procedure, comparing v2.0 results against v1.2 is a relevant means of performing model validation. In v2.0, the industrial water withdrawal sectors were expanded to include sectors within NAICS 11, 23, 48, 51, 54, 56, and 81, as defined in the USGS to NAICS crosswalk in flowsav1.0.1 and as recommended by the USGS. The element-wise product of B and adjusts B for the flow year differences and effectively converts B into a harmonized 2012 year form. Any of these matrices, used together with its respective domestic matrix, can be used to divide the values between those occurring in the US and those in the rest of the world, by taking the difference of a result with the domestic model and the full model, as in Eq. All the economic input data (Table1) are retrieved using scripts in useeior and saved in the package along with selected indicators not from LCIA formatter (jobs, value added, and waste indicators, Table3), commodity names, data inputs to the Sector Crosswalk, and model metadata files. (2021). Note that normalized Make table transactions are unchanged. Out of the total inputs to the waste management industry, 51% is due to value added sectors, with employee compensation being 29%, suggesting that waste management is a labor-intensive sector. US Department of Defense National emissions inventory 2017. (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2019). 16. The first step is a relevance assessment to determine which of the 15 categories are relevant to the reporting organization. Li, M., Ingwersen, W., Young, B., Vendries, J.
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