While this may be a sign your ex isnt over you, its important that you dont let this impact your budding relationship. Once you accept that you aren't going to know for certain why she unfriended you and accept the likeliness that she did it just to make things easier on herself the more likely it is that you will get through No Contact without breaking it. If you decide to unfollow your ex, ensure it is not done out of spite or revenge, as this could be counterproductive. Head of the editorial team. He's probably just trying to move on.. seeing your ex on social media pulls you back sometimes. Its possible that your ex unfollowed you because they dont want to have any contact with you at all. They don't want to think about them all the time and relive their negative experiences with that person repeatedly. No matter the reason, remember that this may not be the worst thing for either of you. Growing up, I was what you would call Obsessive Compulsive. What Should I do. This could be to avoid any further arguments or hurt feelings, as well as to simply move on from the relationship without seeing any reminders of it. If you need to know how to fix something there is HowStuffWorks and numerous YouTube videos. And, lets be honest, all you want to know at this point is why? You might want to spend some time with friends who can help you see things from a different perspective or distract you from thinking about your ex. Deep in their mind, they want you to feel the same longing for them that they feel for you. Lets say your ex is picking fights with you and your new partner. We'll give you the hints and tips you need (and also the answers). I knew that if I remained friends with an ex on Facebook, if I kept following him on Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat, I would be facing up to the truth of the situation. maybe he again wants less or less to follow him to be considered more followers than following. 8. You deserve to be loved by someone who sees how incredible you are, not just by anyone who wants something from you at any cost. These days, though, unfriending someone can be used as a direct insult or as a self-preservation strategy. It was almost impossible to win because as soon as you decide NOT to think about something, you are sure to think of nothing else. Stuck on 'Quordle' #462? Then just know to date and breaking up in social media. You might have a hard time deciding if you should mute, block, or unfollow an ex after a . Well, water always responds appropriately to its circumstances. Don't do that, girl. This is a subreddit for people who've been through a breakup. Which is a total normal thing to do. "I think disappearing from your exs life completely -- including their digital one -- even if this is for a temporary amount of time, is the only way to give you that time and space you need to heal," Yates told Mashable. Instead of forcing them to add you back, focus on taking care of yourself and giving yourself some time to heal. Why did my ex girlfriend unfollow me on instagram and facebook 3 months after the break up? "Un-friending looks childish. Relationship expert Susan Winter maintains that deleting your ex on Facebook could appear childish, and that it's best to unfollow. She has conflicted feelings and wants to test the waters one last time. So instead of reaching out first and risking rejection, the old flame will wait for you to make the first move. So do not be disappointed if you are unfollowing just for this cheap reason yes . To get started on getting her back click here! People spend way too much time worry about such trivial things. The best way to get over a breakup is to move on with your life. So if youre considering unfollowing your ex on social media, carefully weigh the risks and benefits. You don't want to see their crap every day, but blocking someone is obvious to the other person. Anyways, when I read his book, I found myself exceedingly fascinated by a point that he made regarding an old martial arts tactic. no matter the girl, all there really is, if you guys better get to know each other first directly better. It could be as simple as finding someone new and wanting to leave the old relationship behind them. How else did you find yourself here? So, what do I mean when I say Its all about control? If you post negative comments about the breakup or the ex, your ex will likely unfollow you. This could be for one or both of the following reasons. We've compiled a list of the seven most common reasons your ex unfollows you months later (and how to address each one). Her reason for doing so is complicated. I know that it is something that may be inevitable, but all my ex's close friends unfollowed me 4 weeks after our break up at the same time. Why Did My Ex Unfollow Me Months Later? If you feel uncomfortable whenever they text or call you, sternly ask them not to do that anymore. So, the best reaction here is no reaction at all. They may have unfollowed you on social media because they're afraid of falling back in love with you. Making a temporary disappearance after being dumped can be effective if you come out of a long-term relationship without closure. Here are some tips and tricks to help you find the answer to "Wordle" #679. Almost 3 weeks since she dumped me and I'm starting to move on and feel like myself again. This could range from complaining or venting about the breakup on social media to posting too many happy updates (like photos with a new partner or activities they can no longer share). Lets say you demand an explanation of some sort. "Just delete him -- it's kinder on yourself," they said. It depends on the circumstances and your relationship with your ex. [ANSWERED]. Im lucky that I hadnt really fallen for him. Welcome! If youre getting mixed signals and wondering how to know if your ex is over you (or not), dont worry: the experts are here to help. It isnt the appropriate response. Let's explore the possible reason that your ex is adding to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or some other social media account. Are you wondering why they would do such a petty and hurtful thing? We've all been there: You're scrolling through your Instagram feed, and you notice that your ex has unfollowed you. It's not easy to be the one who got unfollowed. As a result, they may decide to unfollow you to avoid these updates. Heres the upside to her unfriending you. You simply can't do that whilst still focusing on your past," Drake continued. Somehow he seems to really hate you. If it was a toxic or unhealthy relationship, then unfollowing them could be a healthy way to distance yourself from any triggers that could cause difficulty moving on. I do post frequently on my instagram story and instagram along with here and there on facebook. Is Bluesky the one? She mentioned in one of the texts "Im still wishing you the best of luck" which made me happy cause I knew she did not completely despise me. They want you to reach out first, so they can know if you're ready or not for a relationship again. If a guy follows you and then quickly unfollows you, its probably best not to take it too personally. reply. When you and your ex go through a breakup, it's natural to be curious about what they're up to. That way, they dont have to constantly see any reminders of the relationship or hear from you. If you dont follow him back or dont seem to pay much attention to his posts, he may assume that youre not interested and move on. In the case of most break-ups, the goal is to stop the hurt it caused. A 27-year-old journalist -- who prefers to remain anonymous -- is also in favour of staying friends with exes on social media. Well I could be one of those people who are like. Answer (1 of 8): Probably too seek attention. But remember: Its more to their detriment than yours. Whatever the reason may be, it can be hard to discern the exact reason why he unfollowed you. Posted April 12, 2017. Ultimately, there are many reasons why your ex may have decided to unfollow you on social media. Why Did My Ex Unfollow Me? Regardless, she never said anything about it and I just kind of decided on my own that I wasnt going to let this unreasonable way of thinking control me any longer. "The hallmark of a healthy relationship is one where the couple remains connected, despite external or internal stressors, NYC-based relationship expert and love coach Susan Winter previously told Elite Daily. What to do with your social media accounts after you break up with your S.O. The truth is there can be a number of reasons why your ex might unblock you suddenly: She found out new information. It can be hard to know what to do next when your ex has dumped you. But, if you mistake her protecting herself to be an attack, then you are likely to overreact. "Unfollow him," people had said to me at the time of our breakup. So lets say you log in and you notice that shes unfriended you. I mean these days, if you arent on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter, then you might as well not even exist. Also read:How to Find Out If Your Girlfriend is Cheating on Facebook. There is still a possibility that they want to stay platonically close with one or more of your friends. Not a few who suddenly make friends on social media when starting dating. Fast forward a month or so, I texted her to check in say hey how are you and be a nice person cause just cause we broke up doesnt mean I hate her, disrespect her, or talk shit about her. Hence, she broke up with you to get her space and work on things that will do her right. Elite Daily spoke with a series of love coaches, breakup coaches, and therapists to find out what your exs actions might mean. It was tough, but I told myself I needed to see it. There could be several reasons why someone might remove you as a follower, such as: Its important to keep in mind that the act of removing someone as a follower on Instagram doesnt necessarily mean that the relationship is over or that the person dislikes you. If your ex has come back to your life after months of no contact, it can signify their prevailing soft corner for you. Most people don't block their exes unless . You shouldn't care about why would your ex unfollow you on Instagram. Or she way maybe interested in your life by checking you IG and accidentally followed then unfollowed. This is often the case if your breakup is especially acrimonious. The best way to know which of these reasons your ex unfollowed you would be to download this online communications tracker. Your ex misses you Your ex unblocked you because he missed you. Use the time to get your life in order. Once he feels like he knows you better, he may unfollow you to create a sense of mystery and make you more interested in him. Share on Facebook (opens in a new window), Share on Flipboard (opens in a new window), How Instagram notifications made my breakup even more unbearable, 'Quordle' today: Here are the answers and hints for May 1, 'Wordle' today: Here's the answer, hints for April 30, 'Quordle' today: Here are the answers and hints for April 30, 'Quordle' today: Here are the answers and hints for April 29, 'Wordle' today: Here's the answer, hints for April 29, Wordle today: Here's the answer and hints for May 1, WordPress drops Twitter social sharing due to API price hike. It simply puts a little more distance between you. He was great on paper. If someone asked me right now why Im on social media, Id say that I use it to keep in touch with my friends who happen to hail from all around the world and that would be a 100% true statement. 4. It's a way of saying "I'm over this" without actually having to say it directly. It might not be what you want to hear, but there's a good chance that your ex is trying to protect themselves from getting hurt again. They are: He is still hurting and processing the breakup He is trying to get a reaction out of you He was forced to do so by his new girlfriend Reasons #1 and #2 show that you still affect him, and this is precisely what you would hope for. So, as soon as we saw him come out the door, we immediately burst out in uncontrollable laughter, all four of us. Whatever the reason for this behavior change may be, it's important to remember that there's no right or wrong way to deal with breakups; everyone handles them differently! Now, there are a number of reasons an ex might choose to unfollow you. Additionally, your ex may feel that their time is better spent elsewhere, and they dont have the patience to wait for you to post something. I was seeing this guy last fall. Additionally, your ex might feel that these comments are unhealthy for both of you and highly disrespectful since they publicly air your grievances about the relationship. Your ex may feel like these posts are too much for them to handle and that its better for their emotional well-being if they dont have to see them. Copyright 2017 - 2022 by LoveDevani.com. The phrase for old times' sake should be interpreted as invalid here. I realize that you are in a place where seeing your ex on social media is still promising, but putting yourself in her shoes might make things a little easier. It was better for me to do nothing. You are perfect just as you are! otherwise forgetting someone would be too hard because of the memories you have given her. Stuck on 'Quordle' #460? Also read:Reasons Why You Should Quit Social Media. This tool can hack into your ex's phone and send your information based on their most recent communications. The only reasons she'd do this are 1) it's too painful for her to look at what I'm doing or 2) she's trying to get a reaction out of me. As a result, they may unfollow you to avoid seeing any more inappropriate posts. usually, this reason is there that once when you broke up did not agree with one party. They want to reduce their social media presence or limit their followers. Having an ex removed as a follower can be difficult, but understanding why they may have done this can help you process the situation more quickly. In this way it is clear that he does not like you anymore. Pro Tip: If this is the case, it's time to make your move! I get that. Mute, but don't block. If he already has a new lover, do not rule out if he will unfollow you with the reason "I already have a lover now .. goodbye, rose" .. hihihi. I also didn't want him to have the satisfaction of knowing that he'd affected my life in any way, let alone hurt me. They may have unfollowed you on social media, but that doesn't mean they're done with you forever. According to Brown, an ex following you on Instagram could mean that they miss you, either romantically or just as a friend. I guess you might be the ex in this situation. When someone removes you as a follower on Instagram, it means that they no longer want to see your content on their feed, and they have chosen to end their connection with your profile. There are a few possible explanations for this behaviour. Finally, its possible that the guy is just a bit flaky and doesnt really know what he wants. It could also be that they simply dont want to follow you anymore because theyre not interested in what youre posting. Even after a relationship ends, that coding doesnt get rewritten for a long while. Additionally, they may feel that it is better for their emotional well-being if they do not have to see these posts. All breakups are different. We are no closer to those 200 family members who are just keeping tabs on you for yourmombecause she refuses to get a Facebook. No, girl. So send them a message and let them know how much you miss talking to them and how much you wish things had worked out between you. Either way, theyll probably scram eventually. Why Would Your Ex Unfollow You On Instagram? Had I been I wouldnt be able to see him post pictures of the two of them being unbelievably cutesy together, let alone like them. And, to be honest, Uncle Buck was kind of a big guy. They have had a falling out or disagreement with you. (Things you can do). You see, when women start to like someone, its like the coding in their brain gets rearranged. The Jack Dorsey-backed Bluesky is gaining popularity among power users of Elon Musk's Twitter. If so, there could be any number of reasons why this happened. I just knew that if I unfriended and unfollowed, my mind would ponder over the what ifs. Thanks for signing up. But that's not the only reason this happens. Was there a fight or something that would make her suddenly not want to see reminders of you every time she logs in? They always seem to have some excuse as to why they can't spend some quality time with you like they used to. While its normal to want to stay connected with someone you care about, sometimes its best to give each other some space. ", (Off-the-record, if they were an especially terrible partner and youre feeling really petty? Because the attitude of your ex-girlfriend like that could be actually he did not love you at that time. It may seem so hard and cold to you, but this is the reality. But why is it in her interest? You want to keep them guessing (and their interest level high). The circumstances you are facing with your ex unfriending you seem to be an attack at first, because it tends to hit you right in the ego. I knew I'd see his name; I knew the effect it would have on me, but somehow I couldn't tear myself away. Let me tell you a little bit about my childhood. Additionally, your ex may feel that they dont need to see constant updates about your life and what youre doing, as they are no longer a part of it. [This is especially true] if previously they were quite reserved about making comments on IG feeds or liking your pics, but suddenly they're all over your channels, making positive comments or adding hearts or emojis, she previously told Elite Daily. One of the most common reasons an ex would unfollow you on social media is that they are trying to move on from the relationship. Either way, you end having your life in order. LoveDevani is an independent website. In my fascination with organizing the world around me, I found David Allens Getting Things Done. It sounds like your girlfriend unfollowed their ex, but didn't block them. The goal of making your life better is to make your life better. You should unfriend your ex to move. While relationship experts seem to be in agreement that cutting cords is the best course of action, the reality among daters isn't always so straight forward. By not leveraging the past you will be able to easily accept the fact that you are no longer together. The goal here is to decide what kind of life you want to have, and make moves toward making it happen. Smile In Front Of You But Not Like Before Hear the noise it makes as it hits the water. She saw photos of her ex enjoying nights out, photographs of him with other girls, and saw he was commenting on other girls' photos. "Reading information about how happy they appear -- and perhaps seeing a new partner on their page -- can prompt an emotional outburst.". One of the most common reasons an ex would unfollow you on social media is that they are trying to move on from the relationship. They want to create a more curated feed with specific types of content. LONDON -- I could feel the dread welling inside me as I scrolled through my Facebook feed. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. It does happen from time to time. But it also might be a sign your ex still isnt over you. Hope he does not cry. When Do Dumpers Realize They Made A Mistake? I knew that unfriending would only make me wonder if he was thinking about me (he wasn't) or if he wasn't over me (he definitely was). Which might have you thinking, Um, why is my ex commenting on my social media?. After whatever happened happened between the two of you, she either deleted you as a rash decision or she anticipated that she would eventually do something rash and deleted you as a counter measure. The consequences of my mind filling in the blanks were far worse than what was happening in reality -- hence why it was better to stay connected. Reasons Why Your Ex Unfollowed You On Instagram, 6. On social media, your ex unfollows you at random. The truth of the matter is that, yes, while I do use Facebook to keep up with friends in Romania, Alaska, Japan, and Germany, often these platforms create a connectivity that I cant get otherwise. Whatever the case, their feelings have been hurt. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'lawyersnlaws_com-medrectangle-1','ezslot_18',177,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-lawyersnlaws_com-medrectangle-1-0');report this ad, your ex might also just be trying to make a statement that they are not happy, healthy way to distance yourself from any triggers, guy could be trying to gauge your interest, My Husband is Negative About Everything: 11 Ways to Deal, Why No-fault Divorce is Bad: 6 Disadvantages and Advantages, Give Her Space and Shell Come Back: 11 Proven Reasons Why, Can a Non Relative Get Custody of a Child: Yes, in 3 Times, Ex Removed Me as a Follower: 11 Reasons Your Ex Unfollow You. Here are some tips and tricks to help you find the answer to "Wordle" #680. You get the picture. It's possible that they realized the relationship was a mistake, or maybe they were just disappointed with how things turned out. Why Is My Ex Girlfriend Being Passive Aggressive. Maybe they really have moved on and feel ready to rip the bandage off. Scroll down for the full list of possible explanations. Its not really a secret that people Facebook stalk their exes. Should I Tell My Ex Girlfriend Happy Birthday or Happy Holidays, My Girlfriend Broke Up With Me But Still Wants To Talk, Should I Ask My Ex Girlfriend If She Is Seeing Someone Else, Should I Tell My Ex Girlfriend That I Still Love Her. Days after we had ended the fight and made up, I would be in the shower in my tiny apartment and Id suddenly be like Dangit! Of course, him thinking I had hurt myself, since I am a huge klutz, burst in prepared to save the day. Right now, if you have a PC, I want you to press ctrl + F. In the box I want you to type the word rearranged, then hit enter. In fact this fact came because maybe he did not want to break up with you and have been crying all day for you. Sometimes, even if you know it's for the best and ends things on good terms, it can still hurt. If your ex is the type of person who takes rejection poorly, they could respond by stalking your account or posting negative comments on your photos. The point is that these connections are almost as pointless as the connections we feel to actors in movies. And he came out that day with those floaties that little kids wear and a full on snorkel mask complete with a snorkel on. I'm Michelle Devani and would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to my site. She has a boyfriend that's jealous. But what if you two broke up on relatively amicable, friendly terms and then, boom out of nowhere they unfollow you on Instagram, leaving you to ask yourself, did he unfollow me for attention? or does she not want to be in my life anymore? That situation can be confusing and even hurtful. Moreover, your ex may feel that its not worth listening to what you have to say if all you ever do is argue with people online. You guys might not see each other much, but he would like to remain friends with you. If your ex has removed you from their Snapchat, its possible that they need time to process the breakup and arent ready to see your snaps just yet. You're left with a sinking feeling in your stomach and an urge to cry. He looked ridiculous! So, is unfollowing on social media now the default motion post-breakup? Actually this cunning thinking, yes, but girl, you own who know your ex like what. If you need some time alone to think things through, permit yourself to do that! However, if your relationship with an ex is respectful and you are both still friends, unfollowing them may not be necessary. If you think that reconnecting with your ex will help you do that, it's worth exploring. By unfollowing an ex on social media . Even if we are absolutely sure that we want to walk away from a relationship, we will inevitably want to know what is going on in our exs life. Your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend unfollows you on social media months after a breakup. There's a lot of conflicting advice out there, but here's some good stuff: If you've been through a breakup, it's natural to feel like your ex is being petty by unfollowing you months after the breakup. Viceroy. Talk to us! "And ask them to respect that boundary. My ex hasn't unfollowed me?! but if it is like this at first, then the ending that will happen is when you break up, there will be a "unfollow friend", what ??? They may have unfollowed you as a way to avoid seeing your life without them. Either way, what is the commonality here? But I constantly hear guys react to unfriending as if their ex wont see any of the improvements they make. She blocked you by accident. And like I said before, he was a BIG guy, so his stomach stuck out and hung over the top of his swim shorts like some sort of Hawaiian Santa Claus. If you frequently post about the relationship, your ex may have unfollowed you to avoid seeing these posts. They have started a new chapter in their life and want to move on. Hey there, we're so glad you found us! You've managed to reconcile your differences. Pro Tip: If you still want to reach out to them, send them a text message. Im sure by now youve gotten what I am trying to say. She has feelings for you but for some reasons she can't be with you and she doesn't want to see your pics. Blocking would hurt more because it is a gesture of permanent closure. In this blog post, I will explore 11 possible explanations in this regard. I Broke Up Because I Did Not Love Her Anymore. Well, if you threw that pebble into the lake, youd be surprised if, instead of a few measly ripples, you were hit by a huge tidal wave. Repeat after me, "I know why my ex unblocked me after months; his/her relationship failed and now they miss what we had with me. Your ex may have unfollowed you on social media because they were embarrassed about the relationship and wanted to forget it. But at the same time, this sudden comeback could be a red flag too. What happens if you over react to the unfriending? He can see everything you post by following you, allowing him to learn more about you. "Perhaps they truly are over the romantic aspects of your. There is a point to all of this.The point is that these connections are almost as pointless as the connections we feel to actors in movies. Well, Uncle Buck had these ridiculous swim trunks with rubber ducks all over them. What you can control is the thoughts you have and the way you react to the things around you. Specifically, it's just about them making sure that they're okay with whatever happens in the future. In the long-run however, she prefers not to cut ties with exes on social media because she wants the option of being friends with them later on. We texted a little bit and I told her I did not want to talk to her and I wanted both of us to do our own thing. Ex's friends unfollowed me. the reason is girls, maybe because you have looked good or not worried anymore, depending on how you broke up when it used to be, but the reason you are annoying to him could be because you become more beautiful now .. . Absolutely. So we went our separate ways. The reason I mention this is because that is what you are dealing with now. She threw the pebble, and you respond with a tidal wave. In some cases, they might even resort to cyberbullying. Why did my girlfriend unfollowed me on Instagram? "I simply wanted to cut all ties. Years later, Id find out that he was just trying to launch a new, professional Instagram account and had automatically unfollowed everyone who wasnt a car brand or dealership, including his closest pals. They don't want to risk making you feel pressured or rejected by jumping the gun. The more likely scenario is that, in her moment of being hurt over the breakup or what caused the breakup, she decided to avoid being hurt more by removing the temptation to watch what you have going on in your life. They wanted to acknowledge it. The thing about unfollowing someone on social media is that it doesn't necessarily mean anything bad. Does Getting Back With Your Ex Girlfriend Work? Maybe they really have moved on and feel ready to rip the bandage off. Written hundreds of articles on divorce, child custody, employment and other human rights law topics for blogs and websites worldwide. I figured if I did something wrong in our relationship I wouldve heard about it by now. What Hurts More Blocking or Ignoring? As a result, they will unfollow you to avoid any more negativity. When Your Ex Shows Up Unannounced(In-Depth Guide). But it wouldnt be the whole truth not entirely. From feeling overly exposed or overwhelmed by posts about exes to being tired of arguing with you, remember that everyone has their reasons for what they do.

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why did my ex gf unfollow me