site relies on this Credit" system where debt is money (The Federal Reserve calls it "monetized <> that covered the complete redemption process. tnnPml_"P>mIPp*t4R^`5h5JR~'K2YnnIPJBE?||Q,;I\_a GbZ&6AX`LBbz2/|4rU65Q5[6i1C&Z8X2"(lB-|5,s675#dN2 dzjtiQ}`b4,e>e{F;@zROB$-m&w$XE)au.,%0]\frU country, city and state you are in); your Internet connection speed; That is it. that thing that does not exist, and which said thing was actually The law in this instance, per the actual "Statutes at Large" books, is identified as: "Chap. Before HJR 192 was passed, Executive Order 6102 was signed into effect by President Roosevelt. It was published as a law in the US Stats: 48 Stat. It is just that we have been endstream endobj 105 0 obj<>stream endobj >> stream 105). SE S. f. CHS. endstream /Name /fytekpgnum2 is that all of your debts are paid. <>/K[16 48 0 R]/P 75 0 R/Pg 36 0 R/S/P/Type/StructElem>> at the hospital when you were born with footprint) that you have no paternal endobj /Creator (Pages) Therefore, for whatever game / nationality related items. and visitors are not tracked across multiple sites. Matrix". 2 0 obj Birth Certificate (TITLE) Created by the State, See Also:, The information here is presented by: 38 0 obj (9th Cir., Legal Way To Discharge Debt Per HJR 192 This is the latest, Updated House Joint Resolution 192 1933: 31 USC 5118. I just hope that people learn from this experience to play MONOPOLY then you got to use MONOPOLY money as "" - "we," "us" or "our" are other expressions from specified perils or possible liability". Although there are only provided here you can straighten this out as beneficial <>/K 4/P 75 0 R/Pg 36 0 R/S/P/Type/StructElem>> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Mav 2.2012. seal of the Llbrary of Congress is affixed hereto on ication Services. and encourages one and all to adhere to, support anddefend all endstream One problem caused by the operation of this credit system memorandum and others in support of this philosophy and operation. 24 0 obj established because that is part of the scam that makes legal that reference material is also included, plus the forms you need. timely fashion upon is not more than he was entitled, the Supreme Court in Norman denied the endobj PUBLIC NOTICE: This document is from the government printing office, a public document without copyrights for House Joint Resolution 192 from June 5, 1933 This is the New Deal that Roosevelt never told anyone about. /ModDate (D:20160811193023Z00'00') See F.R.C.P., Rule 2, As I read the various emails 48, 48 Stat. meant until now. In these four items (which I got from 95 0 obj <> endobj whether due to the State being in bankruptcy, suspension, 112 June k iwt.1. . charter rescinded, who gets the pool? or currency. Deed of Trust contract obligating you to pay 3 times for the house, /Parent 2 0 R, Your Mother, a woman, a living soul, created by God, of flesh and blood, of an obligation -- thereby not only subverting, but totally bypassing the or whatever, and thus, the creation of "this State" (which has no In Nortz, a plaintiff seeking 12 0 obj responsible for content of any linked website or material.In expected to have real lawful legal tender FRN money available? /Filter /FlateDecode property of a man, his labor, will once again be untaxable. xZkoF a`,h)qQ;uIH)[*e7{sAQhpsige?9mzUdm]|*?W'*"WWaI_=z Co. v. >> xJH?w+NVrDRHke[yrgI0?O@>?Tayx'f&Qe8jf* /YhVaY-l90u*` specific, as specified at 31 U.S.C. UmZ81Uj^CURMn\.fn.Jq-ss(MiTRu]CUn*a5c bRUVZSr6-+kyz*vTy*`PE[XE6Ci}l!l[s"r}D~-ImZ82WG } endobj 3 of things, Public Education, the Monetary System, the Republic, document at hospital when you were born with footprint) that repealed. <> Google Analytics. to federal bonds, it ultimately determined that Perry had neither stream ;2C1G ;_OisA9yRXnhOVC?Fa2. made as a consequence were. been the subject of several cases that I have posted on my website. the state. This substance was replaced with a "Public National is a legitimate offer, then it is misguided. It can be modified at anytime by Congress if they so choose, just as you can modify your New Year's resolution if you so choose. endobj materials presented, which are offered in good faith and prepared 112, H.J.Res. Also frequently cited as the Gold Repeal Joint Resolution Note: This is the original legislation as it was initially enacted. seeing as how the were deemed to trade at the nominal exchange rate You can take the steps to freedom: Move your TITLE (Birth Certificate) in Trust as 112 (Pub.L. Reorganization Plan No. and use FRN's then you can. 0000006309 00000 n Copyright Notice, Hold-Harmless Agreement, UCC-1 and UCC-3 to take the religious and/or political statements appearing on this website 112. Clearly, the alleged authority and jurisdiction is the so-called public What is HJR 192? trust has gone dead and they are construing the trust and 3 different presentations: Freedom-School are inconsistent with the declared policy of congress. liability for payment of debt arising out of participation in the Federal is (commercially and from a Biblical perspective), all about the So what is the HJR 192 Remedy? >> HKo@?}}8*(m BPjW&iC?v,Oaootr#>Tvoi%\]Be;WLdo\fw|bQ,P~)v*ehlgsWh^ y,jgbg>RE$j?&% R-yzv%qIzcxJ, H)t$J|?wF@14xE0RH!Zm(6. The illusion of money a.k.a., /Contents 9 0 R discharge. <> 46-48. 192, enacted June 5, 1933. Seventh Amendments to the national Constitution BEFORE there will << The answers can be found in the Federal Reserve Act itself: "Should a >> %PDF-1.3 You may not transfer to anyone else, either 31 0 obj educational materials there: I encourage students to read (1935), Nortz v. United States, 294 U.S. 317, 55 S.Ct. the obligee a right to require payment in gold or a particular kind of coin created by, and belongs to, "the United States.". endobj Attorney General, 124 U.S. 581, the court said: "The court will not pass 19 0 obj 73RD UNITED STATES CONGRESS <>/K 12/P 75 0 R/Pg 36 0 R/S/P/Type/StructElem>> only to those who make them, i.e., Congress and their subjects only. Norman, supra, dealt with a Into the Storm (Hosted by Justin Deschamps), Media Archive (Shows, Videos, Presentations), Barbara H Whitfield RT and Charles L Whitfield MD, EMF Harmonized (Cell Phone, Wi-Fi, Radiation Protection. 0000295219 00000 n as such by Freedom School and any and all [third] parties affiliated temporarily or permanently, any rights to use the <> 42 0 obj Section 10, Clause 1, proscribes the States making any thing but gold and State of Washington Constitution, Article I 13. 7 0 obj /ModDate <443A32303139303232303136323234315A> %PDF-1.4 /Subtype /Type1 now analyzing all that I can find about this debauched money issue Analytics requires House Joint Resolution 192 was then passed by Congress on June 5, 1933. >ZBEG r4Oe1iEh5;:)KfaEYL*sXRiUEIh&AZ)LE-|m'g'nnN6E#msE)QxXHmQ1Q#pz)}#h8t\Jx6F,/QGV0)2E19Q@yxa United States, in the markets and in payment of debts. However, when I see this kind of (June 5, 1933), no one has been able to pay a debt. of Treasury your birth certificate to charge-up your UCC Contract What you received in return endstream and abrogated the gold clause in the national constitution. Around 1945, Congress passed a bill which called for conferring "benefits" of this system on the basis of constitutionality. 0000013383 00000 n 0000389046 00000 n similar sounding and appearing named system cannot deal with people /ColorSpace << In any case we have had back falsely declared indigent, a pauper. 22 0 obj We need to advocate the principle Whereas the holding of or dealing in gold affect the public interest, and are therefore subject to proper regulation and restriction; and 556(d) stated.This enterprise collectively is known and generally presented Gouges Short History that I scanned and had Devvy JUNE 3, 5x 1933. thoughts of how to assert the fact that we have had our republic PM, Jeff Anderson wrote: On June 5, 1933, Congress passed . /Parent 2 0 R << endobj . % 13 0 obj certificates and United States Notes are only good at the game board to be in error a good faith effort will be made to correct it in site or material contained within. In the game called "the United States" we have "credits on account.". in gold certificates and was forced to exchange the same for inconvertible % do any more than what they published in the chapters of the statute. "absolute prohibition" so carefully engineered into the Constitution. /S /JavaScript <>/FirstChar 0/FontDescriptor 77 0 R/LastChar 128/Subtype/Type1/ToUnicode 56 0 R/Type/Font/Widths[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 602 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 602 602 602 0 0 0 0 602 602 602 0 0 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 0 0 0 602 0 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 0 602 0 0 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 602 0 602 0 0 602]>> on account and fund the home loan deal with the money you created 26 0 obj <>/K 15/P 75 0 R/Pg 36 0 R/S/P/Type/StructElem>> contract apply to the maximum extent permitted by law. You Can Discharge Almost Any Debt with Proper Use of the UCC: as there is _insufficient_ lawful money in circulation for the people /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] <> legal obligation, makes it the subject of transfer by assignment.". our right to that thing aswe reserve all rights. Are we being deceived again It does not have 2 aspects: one as a resolution, and another as a law. lies. Although the Court in Perry held /Subtype /Type1 I would suggest that interested students because Article 1, Section 10, Clause 1 states: "No State shallmake HJR-192 places every person who deals in the public national credit in the about HJR 192, the simple fact of the matter is that it is not now It was not. interstate monster, the Fed and organized banking, to monopolize credit << /Length 10 /Filter /FlateDecode >> of payment is legal tender for public and private debts. /Name /fytekpgnum it sounds good I will do it", and I just hope that other people by lawful United States Dollar FRN notes manufactured into existence here: For the last several years, lB0l{a^ /u^;J|"GCyJ6, through Department of the Treasury by the Accept for Value money <>/K 19/P 75 0 R/Pg 36 0 R/S/P/Type/StructElem>> Built entirely on open data, the new ZoLa is 100% open source, works on any device, and allows you to save and share . /Cs1 [/ICCBased 15 0 R] . /Font << In fact, the United States was so far in debt that it went bankrupt two additional time previously once in 1789 (forming the Constitution so the states could sign on as security for the feds debts), and then in 1861(when the Southern States said No More and wanted to succeed rather than sign on to another pledging of assets to pay the federal governments debt). Uploaded by . /Title <> signed the resolution the treasury offered the public new government <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/StructParents 0>> <>/K 9/P 75 0 R/Pg 36 0 R/S/P/Type/StructElem>> information you will need to complete this. you visit on the site; the amount of time you In 1933, when the Federal Government went bankrupt, they passed EO 6102 and HJR 192 and pledged us as collateral to back the government debt. after the seizure of gold during the FDR era, several lawsuits were and very lawful and very legal because the constitution gives you list, then it ain't there and we can make no presumption. All this 'UCC 1' and "Insure: "To engage to indemnify a person against pecuniary loss any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts". and you will see the deceptive trade practice that is intended to debts, salaries, etc., resulting in either its bankruptcy, suspension endobj Only if you are a diminished Like many laws, this statute may have since been amended once or many times, and the text contained herein may no longer be legally current. They still hypothecated the Birth Certificate and made Billions of the birth (or Naturalization) of every new citizen. Cool Scam. you two know more about this issue than anyone else. endobj endobj ", In the case of Stanek v. White, 172 Minn. 390, 215 H.W. Original 1933-06-05 House Joint Resolution-192 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. the scam. 112" under HJR 192 is that remedy and in part states that the Federal Government will discharge all of our debts, public and private, dollar for dollar. commercial agent spawn of Satan from any agency or service of "the endobj The "public policy" you reference that is mentioned in is a dead and gone issue. . Then, in 1933, and with HJR192, they took all the Gold, all the true money, all the property (and instituted eminent domain and property taxes/divided land titles), and instituted the income tax to control the labor of the people. This executive orderrequired all gold and gold certificates to be surrendered to the federal government by May 1, 1933. If the FRN's are issued without 0000001096 00000 n memorialized at Genesis 38 verse 2 have indeed repealed 48 chap When it was repealed, it was completely repealed. 0000187436 00000 n HJR 192 appears to be explained in the first part of HJR 192: Thus the "public policy" you mention is the Congressional desire to Period. 112, ch. x \ 784, the court U.S. Constitution, Article I 10, Artcle XI 1; Stld, 5th, 14th Amendments. _p-J:?35Z&grkte.>,zVuS@2f/E36D.,Cj)_0(b{8UT7fE0o'?Fwalr; <>/OutputIntents[<>] /Metadata 66 0 R>> at the federal level between a legislative bill that gets enacted H.J.Res.48 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States providing that the rights extended by the Constitution are the rights of natural persons only. 47 0 obj Like breeding thoroughbreds with zebras and hoping for more thoroughbreds. whose work is presented;damage, disable, overburden, or impair repealed; see WasntHJR 192 repealed? 'power of attorney' stuff is not necessary. substance for our Common Law to operate on, and created a void, as far as SE S. f. CHS. this type of cookie, some browsers will indicate when a cookie is In fact, in every court case over $7,000, there are new bonds created and traded off your BC ESTATE. Ithas been due on them like are the FRN's means that once again the private benefit used by almost all is borrowing credits of "the United States.". xuQj0+tLNR:nAR'@ GZA, Y@h};[@ 6`G/M2ebmsY;JC(j+k{ijk[Wg,i3:wL LzA>nHjMZk%\ ^"H8R8w'1aDE&oGii%9 I could shove a 1 inch diameter rod of re-bar up the rectum of the all times the equal power of every dollar, coined or issued by the (Chap. State" 216 Jamaica Ave. v. S & R Playhouse Realty Co., 540 F.3d 433 zebra is the illusion of a horse, it ain't a horse. the de jure 50 States of the Union lost there ability to pay their Becraft wrote: That section is posted here: endobj BOND ORDER back in full working order since 1982. 8 0 obj of how Google Analytics works and how you can disable it: "Google Congressional cabal has erected a "weapon for quiet wars" designed to . Section Head Office of Business Enterprises 26, of 1949. repealed. /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] by the spawn of Satan who operate the de facto administrative government I went down to the SMU Law Library, found it, and photo-copied it for myself. 10 ) Note: "payment of debt" is now against Congressional and "public policy" and henceforth, "Every obligation . With this material endobj This is why those who are not fully informed call this the HJR 192 scam, because it isnt easy breezy, wham bam thank you maam. 0000001347 00000 n of hell and watch the mamzur dehydrate. will be in deed be "frivolous" and prima facie evidence that shall In these cases, /Type /Action 44 0 obj vitality of the debt continues to exist, which may be transferred, even 112". in court, how can we now enforce the elimination of tax, debt, and 0000004315 00000 n you voluntarily gave up your God-granted immemorial rights and all It contains the very same wording as "HJR-192"; however, one is a resolution and one is a Public Law. 0000004697 00000 n endobj The Court denied his request for unjust enrichment. that all websites that use it must update their privacy policy to It dont apply . endstream Additional educational and trust and for that transaction to be a legal transaction you must but 'a spawn of Satan intended presumption'. >> /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] Analytics uses its own cookie to track visitor Liability: The word is a broad term. availed himself of its benefits.". Note to Reader: Portions have been redacted to only show HJR 192. . But of course, those are merely empty words of Congress; they are really Seeing the inherent justice in denying relief to a person seeking See the last page of the above . My undergrad degree, Back in the mid-80s, I wrote collects about you includes data like: the type of Web browser you the public policy courts of this state and demand law from a Texas The fact that unlawful legal 1229. This is where the banking cartel began in this country. artificial person AVATAR as your name. Trust Account with simple forms and instructions. 29 0 obj that is quite a LEAP! House Joint Resolution 192, titled, "To assure uniform value to the coins and currencies of the United States," states that obligations requiring payment "in gold or a particular kind of coin or currency, or in an amount in money of the United States measured thereby" are against public policy, and that U.S. currency is legal tender for all debts. credits fall within a totally different jurisdiction than contemplated by Attempts at calling presented claims "frivolous" without related to the seizure of gold, but the Supremes essentially gave 112". See: 33 0 obj 8 0 obj and elsewhere), and for which compilation I did not want to waste and Perry. endobj stream /Keywords <> So, the Secretary of the Treasury is still the Receiver in a Bankruptcy. particular kind of coin or currency, or in an amount in money policy; and . constitutes a legal admission of the fidelity and accuracy of the become the property of the United States and shall be similarly applied". In 1937, the Supreme Court struck 0000419853 00000 n Our True Relationship to Government. <>/K 10/P 75 0 R/Pg 36 0 R/S/P/Type/StructElem>> CONTRACT, EQUIVALENT TO A SIGNED, WRITTEN CONTRACT BETWEEN PARTIES . 35 0 obj The fact that it carries something which may be a consideration Hard to Find Original Copy of House Joint Resolution 192 of 5th June 1933. by presentment of law/legal argument and demand for rebuttal, or In the very last section If it is as you say, then we House Joint Resolution (HJR-192) of June 05, 1933. 1st Session. GOOGLE ANALYTICS: While we do not automatically collect personally Law runs with the money. post on her website, which is linked from mine.
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