So, if you experience a change in the skull shape, immediately see a doctor. Meningitis is the inflammation of the Meninges or the layers that cover your brain to protect it. Other conditions that can cause symptoms at or around this area are headaches, injuries, or brain tumors. Sometimes, these bumps on the head get better on their own, but they can also cause serious problems. And they never felt nothing, no migrain, nothing. Prompt medical attention is needed to prevent serious complications, such as brain damage. This article goes over the causes of a dent in the head and when to see a healthcare provider for diagnosis and treatment. Primary bone cancer is categorized into four stages: Stage 1: The tumor is low-grade, and the cancer cells are still localized. Vitamin A toxicity can cause softening of the bones, including the skull, which can lead to an indentation. This time I feel the indent. Dent in the forehead: A rare . You should always tell your provider about a painful head dent, even if it's small or not changing in shape or size. Excessive consumption of foods or supplements that contain vitamin A leads to poisoning that leads to soft and deformed bones . Calcium levels are to low now but the indent is starting to get smaller. It was the finger widths wide by 3" + long. Your email address will not be published. According to the Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center, Gorhams disease is very rare. (2019). Many of these conditions are related to the skin and can include dandruff, sunburn, and psoriasis. The best they came up with was blood sugar, and dehydration as a cause for those episodes, although I never had a MRI or anything of my head. Hello, If these are bony indentations, following investigations are advised; 1) x-ray of skull 2) serum calcium 3) vitamin D level 4) parathyroid hormone assay 5) serum alkaline phosphatase 6) urinary markers, including hydroxyproline, deoxypyridinoline, C-telopeptide and N-telopeptide. Each of these areas can be affected by different health conditions. I asked her if she knew about them and if she was born with them. On the negative side, it can also cause brain injuries in some babies. Lets go and further explore the article. You can also get it through sharing personal items like hairbrushes, combs, and hats. I was terrified, I thought my head was opening haha! It is especially important to seek medical attention if additional symptoms are present, such as nausea, confusion, or dizziness. Furthermore, Gorhams disease is an issue involving bone loss and abnormal blood vessel development. This disease may contribute to an overgrowth of bone in your brain, resulting in headaches and other symptoms. Without palpating it myself I don't know. As a result, it can lead to other issues, such as bone weakness, arthritis, a dent, or a fracture. The abnormal fontanel. Everyone has differences in bone structure. She is 24 years old and has never been involved in a trauma of any kind. However, a new dent in the head or skull could be a sign of one of the following problems and is something to tell your provider about. Gorhams disease is an uncommon condition that causes the bone mass to be substituted by other tissues. Even benign tumors can cause these indentations in the skull. I am so happy to have happened upon this thread purely by accident. Its also possible that androgenic alopecia affecting the crown of your head may also increase the risk of other illnesses. It is rarely due to a person eating too many foods high in vitamin A. Acne elsewhere on your body may help point to this being the cause of the impression. I am 36. Both can sometimes be localized to one area of the head, such as the crown. Ill add some d and calcium and see if it helps, otherwise Ill go to the doc. It is treated by stopping the intake of vitamin A supplements as most often Vitamin A toxicity occurs due to excess intake of vitamin A supplements. When you have dandruff, your scalp becomes flaky and scaly. Omg this is exactly what I have been experiencing n thought I was going crazy. Cancer, trauma, bone disease, and other diseases may create dents in your head. Craniosynostosis (kray-nee-o-sin-os-TOE-sis) is a disorder present at birth in which one or more of the fibrous joints between the bones of your baby's skull (cranial sutures) close prematurely (fuse), before your baby's brain is fully formed. And so his mother. Dent in skull can occur in kids when they are given more amount of Vitamin A than their daily requirement. A softened skull bone can cause a dent in your head. It's weird. Every severe damage to the head should be examined by a doctor immediately. In some circumstances, a doctor might also recommend bone grafting surgery. The underlying cause depends on the risk factors for developing dents in your skull. Based on the underlying cause, the treatments for a dent in your head varies widely. If you have symptoms at or around the crown of your head that are concerning, schedule an appointment with a doctor. (2018). Choosing a specialty can be a daunting task and we made it easier. I had my sister take a picture of it and her response was, What is that." For example, if the cause of a dent in the head is cancer, then a surgery is required to treat it. I've had a skull xraya few weeks ago and yesterday I collected the results - good news is that there is no bone loss. It is a small depression in your skull. The crown itself is situated on this line, at the very highest point. For example, one area of the head may appear flatter in comparison to others. Multiple evidence suggests that men are at a higher risk for developing the disease of Gorham than women. This is so scary. (2013). (2018) . And they never felt nothing, no migraine, nothing. Some of these conditions affect the scalp, while others may be related to nerves or blood vessels in the area. Wow thank you everyoneI have been worried about the dents in my skull too! Depressed fracture indicates that part of your head has been compressed in the direction of your brain. Conditions that can most commonly cause this include: There are several signs that signal it may be a good idea to make an appointment with a doctor. One area of your head that you may be familiar with is the crown, or top, of your head. I think you hit the nail on the head. I've been suffering from severe tiredness and forgetfulness recently.. As well as making irrational decisions which isn't like me. Treatment of underlying cancer which has undergone metastasis is necessary to control this problem. Plenty of stories abound online providing advice for getting a defined or chiseled jawline. Hey mamas,My daughter is turning 1 soon and just noticed while feeling her head she has an indent on the crown or frontal part of her head. According to expert doctors and researchers, car accidents with an injured head, falling on the crown, or a severe blow to the skull can result in depressed fractures. If the fluid leaks, a person may get a chronic watery, runny nose. It's weird. Itching and redness can also be present. Unequal pupil size. Those are from wearing glasses., Tajran J, et al. He told me that he has indentations too. This is especially true when it comes to your footwear. I've heard progesterone deficiency can cause bone loss too, which might be relevant in my situation. However, they often affect multiple areas. For example, if vitamin A toxicity causes a dent in the head, the person will just need to stop taking an excessive number of vitamin A supplements. (n.d.). There were 2 other dents that I felt. (2020). If an indentation develops after trauma to the head, immediate evaluation is necessary. Ended up with 2 parayhyoid adenomas and right thyroid removed and severe osteoporosis. Skull indentation causes A dent in your head (also known as a skull depression) can indicate several medical conditions. I'm off to see my GP in a few days time as I believe it's increased in size a little bit compared to when I first noticed it. Helmet therapy may be recommended in some cases. I have a suggestion, perhaps we could form a group, discovery group as it were, (since now I know I am not the only one,) and we could start formulating our own research since we are the ones who know best and maybe we could start to throw all our perceived possibilities into a common pot and perhaps discover something or interest a researcher into looking into it. For example, a small scar can form on your scalp after a pimple heals, leaving a depression. I reported it to the NP who didn't know what it was, but referred the patient. You also need to know why you usually see black specks in your stool, Black Specks in Stool: Top 5 Causes and Effective Treatments. But, if any nerve is compressed in lipoma, you might experience pain, though it occurs very sparsely. For example, a person with a depressed skull fracture will need surgery. Has anyone had a change in skull shape? This is still bothering me. Has 28 years experience. Cancer cells from different parts of the body can spread to the skull, leading to changes in the bone of the skull. The indentations were on top of her head though not the sides. Meanwhile, what else should we know about this skull indentation aside from a need to visit the doctor? Such indentations may be caused during the process of birth or by the positioning of the baby in the womb. They can help you make a plan to stay safe and protect your head. Like other parts of your skull, the crown works to provide. I have the same exact thing! Excess Vitamin A can leading to softening of the bones, including the skull leading to the formation of dent in skull or skull indentation. Learn about causes, their associated treatments, and when to see a doctor here. Last medically reviewed on November 19, 2019. I've never noticed it before in my 40 years. Sometimes, flare-ups are caused by factors like stress, cold weather, or dry air. Any ideas? Hope this helps Register To Leave A Comment The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. Aside from that, the doctors may also advise the patient to take medication for pain relief and antibiotics to prevent infection. They are almost part of my wardrobe. A skull fracture may increase the risk of a brain infection. Instead, it typically occurs as a result of taking an excessively high dosage of vitamin A supplements. They are the depression of the skull which is present at the time of birth of the child. Those with hair loss on the crown of their head may be at an increased risk of skin cancer, as this area can be easily exposed to UV light. Gorhams disease can affect any of the bones in the body. We will be able to grasp information that can enlighten us about skull indentation. Ended up with 2 parayhyoid adenomas and right thyroid removed and severe osteoporosis. Best Way To Treat Dental Filling, Brown Sperm is it Dangerous? Meningitis is a life-threatening condition if not treated promptly on time. But why would it happen? Its estimated that 50 percent of people with psoriasis have symptoms that affect the scalp. Additionally, they may also suggest lifestyle and home remedies that can reduce the risk of complications. Specializes in Ortho, Case Management, blabla. There are many causes of developing Dent in skull. 2022;7(1):35-48. doi:10.1530/EOR-21-0083. It can be a medical condition, genetic, or an injury from an accident. They might even recommend bone grafting surgery. I take thyroid meds and suboxone daily. It makes the bones in the body grow too much. Some symptoms of scalp psoriasis to look out for are: Ringworm is a fungal infection that can affect various parts of the body, including the scalp. It scares me, especially since my husband had brain surgery less than 2 years ago- (symptoms completely different of course) I am 35 years old, the only time I remember hitting my head really hard is when I was in elementary school and I fell and hit my head on a tile floor. A babys head can also experience an injury during birth. This might also lead to a dent in skull or skull indentation. Saved me from wasting my time at the Dr.'s and from having expensive and dangerous testing done. Head injuries are also commonly referred to as brain injury, or traumatic brain injury (TBI), depending on the extent of the head trauma. A dent in your head is not always a reason for worry, but it can be a sign of a serious medical problem like a head injury, bone disease, vitamin toxicity, or cancerespecially if the dent is new. These indentations are simple variations from our heads anatomy. The hammer thumb is a term used to describe the clubbing of the thumbs. When a baby is born with irregularity or abnormality like a dent in the head, the symptoms usually go on their own within six months. If a person is concerned about a dent in their head, they should see a doctor. Overall, experiencing head injuries is something no one should neglect. Lipoma is a small mass of fatty tissue which occurs subcutaneously. Tinea capitis is more common in children than in adults., Li W, et al. But, there are many more severe symptoms of Meningitis that you need to be aware of, so that you consult your physician immediately if you notice any such symptoms., Kiesler J, et al. Head trauma is one of the most common reasons for the Emergency room admissions. I'm really scared about this but actually feel a little better knowing that I'm not the only one. Clinical and imaging features of 112 patients with irregular and flat bone osteosarcoma. These kinds of fractures are also managed with antibiotics to avoid infection and pain relief medications. National Institute of Health. Usually the head and neck scans performed are both CT, which gives the best information about bone, and an MRI, which gives the best information about soft tissues. The main symptoms to look out for include skin that: If you have hair loss around the crown of your head, youre more susceptible to sunburn in this area. Some of them include the following: When there is excess pressure on your head, it can lead to skull indentation or dent in skull. In effect, the skull often crushes toward the brain, requiring immediate attention from a doctor. We avoid using tertiary references. The skull is neither perfectly round nor smooth. Never disregard the medical advice of your physician or health professional, or delay in seeking such advice, because of something you read on this Site. Some that may cause pain around the crown of your head include: Its possible that you can injure the crown of your head. Let them make their diagnosis and check your health. It's normal, this indent is where one of the fontanelles was. Home Dent in skull or Skull indentation: 10 Causes, Tips, Prevention. Soft bones. Medical News Today has strict sourcing guidelines and draws only from peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical journals and associations. It is not a normal variant in people. They are: Sometimes, you might develop some infection of the skull. USFCA (University of San Francisco) Fall 2023, University of south Alabama FNP fall 2023. You can find the crown of your head by touching the midline of your skull and beginning to move your fingers toward the back of your head. All rights reserved. The process will involve removing bone fragments from the surrounding area of the brain. The oddest thing occurred. What health issues are common to this area of the head? Now lets explore some of the different health conditions that can affect the crown of your head. These cancer cells can create holes or dent in skull due to osteolysis. Authoritative Parenting Style: Everything You Need To Know, How Long Do Toads Live? Last medically reviewed on November 18, 2020, A head injury is an injury to your brain, skull, or scalp. A congenital skull depression is a dent in the head that is present from birth. Sometimes this fontanel may bulge or feel firm to the touch. It is a prevalent cause of developing this problem. Dr. Moawad regularly writes and edits health and career content for medical books and publications. I don't get pains from it, it may be a little tender if I press on the indent kind of hard. I have had blood tests too but I don't know if anything like that would come up in them? By Heidi Moawad, MD Lets look at a couple of examples: Alopecia areata is believed to occur when your immune system attacks your hair follicles. Tinea capitis. The only other thing I do, is clench my jaw during my sleep and I'm wondering if there is a connection as I've clenched so hard in the past that I've cracked a root filling! I'm taking seaweed for low thyroid, but I'm definitely not calcium or magnesium or phosphorous deficient. What are the treatment options for a dent in the head? Frequent infections. Most of the time, people who get too much vitamin A have been taking supplements. These include: If you or someone else has experienced a severe head injury, call 911. The medical treatment of a dent in the head depends on its cause. A reduction of vitamin A supplements intake can already solve this problem. But, if you develop any abnormal symptoms, then you need to consult your physician right away, as treatment of the cause of the dent in skull is essential. Such surgeries often lead to brain damages from bone fragments. Pediatric Neurology 53 years experience. When ringworm happens on your scalp its called tinea capitis. The vit d / calcium deficiency sounds interesting., Yamada T, et al. Hey did you ever get around to setting up a FB page? For example, treatment for Gorhams disease may include radiation therapy and vitamin D supplements. There are also instances where intervention is necessary to correct the structure of the head and to ensure that the brain of the baby has adequate room to develop as the baby grows. In other groups, its less common. Missing nutrients may go hand in hand!, Severe head injury. atlanta natural disasters,

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crown skull indentation in adults